Sunday, November 8, 2009

Marx + Smith Handout

I think that the outcomes of the Industrial Revolution, at first, only helped improve the lives of the wealthy. The rich people took advantage of the poor, and left them to live on unlivable wages. The rich were the only people who could afford luxuries, and other inventions that came out of the revolution.

However, over time, inventions and other luxuries began to decrease in price. Workers gained more rights, as they formed unions and America moved towards social equality for all.
I agree with Marx that people were unequal during this era, however, I also agree with Smith that capitalism can be successful, as long as we keep those with capital in check.

The Industrial Revolution was a horrible part of America's history: it was full of oppression, discrimination, manipulation, and greed. However, it did give birth to economic success, revolutionary inventions, and global development in the long run.


  1. In your first paragraph you wrote: "I think that the outcomes of the Industrial Revolution, at first, only helped improve the lives of the wealthy." Leading me to believe that in your next paragraph you would talk about how this began to help the lives of the laborers as well. And you did, stating that laborers gained more rights, btu according to Marx, things did not improve for the working class and that they became "slaves to the machine."

  2. Cy thank you for pointing out that the wealthy made it big at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Then as time progressed the poor rose, even though it was a simple fact it never struck me. Also I like that you show the positives and negatives of the Industrial Revolution this really shows that the Industrial Revolution was neither good or bad. It had its up and downs. However I did not comprehend the part about keeping those with capital in check. What do you mean by in check? Besides my incomprehension, good job this really showed your understanding and views of the Industrial Revolution.

  3. I meant that we had to ensure that those with capital (the rich people) did not have too much power. We have to keep them in check, meaning that we had to make sure they didn't manipulate the poorer people. For example, we have to make sure that the rich people don't gain monopolies, so that there is always healthy competition in the free market, and so that the rich people don't take advantage of this power (by, for example, driving up prices unfairly high).
