Tuesday, November 24, 2009

African Women pg (204-205)

In the Strayer reading about Women in Africa it said that the women did a lot of the active work. Active work includes, farming, weeding, planting, harvesting, and taking care of the children of course. All women seem to have taken care of the children and still to this day, women are known for caring for children more then the men are. Men did more of the labor like building houses and clearing the land, but we are not going to discuss them in this blog.

Once the economy grew and the necessary of money was higher, the women's jobs different more then the men and became more separate. The women initially started the cotton crops so that they could have clothes for their families, but as the cotton need grew and the money started going for cotton the men took the crops from the women and were in control. In pre-colonial time the women worked a lot less then during the colonial time, because more work meant more money, and more money meant a better life. And all women were in it for better life, not just for them, for their family as well. Families were extremely important to African women because they really did not have that good of jobs and usually their jobs were dealt with around the house, or where the family was.

1 comment:

  1. Were African women involved in any other jobs outside of he household or cultivating? Also, you said women took care of the children more than men. Is this because the men were too busy and weren't home or because that was society's job for women?
