Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Zheng He

Zheng He had many different and interesting journeys throughout his life. Zheng He's treks visited Arabia, East Africa, India, Indonesia and Thailand. There he traded the most prized possessions from China. He got ostriches, zebras, camels, ivory and giraffes. In order to get those, he had to trade gold, silver, porcelain and silk. The items that China received were things they had never seen before and were excited to finally be able to obtain such prized possessions. Not only were the trips in order to trade goods for better things, but to advance technology. Zheng He and his crew all wanted to enhance the compass. In addition, not only was Zheng He the first man to establish a direct route from the western Pacific to the Indian Ocean, but he was also one who did the actual route. He was the captain of the main ship traveling. On Zhengs' first expedition, was approximately 2 years long. With his 300+ ships, that's a rough route to take with so little ships. In all, he took 7 voyages, 5th voyage being 3 years long. In that journey, he traveled to the most countries and got the most trading done. He and his crew traveled all around Europe and even went down to Africa. Lastly, Zheng He had the smartest way of traveling because he took the least amount of ships possible, yet getting there in record time.

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