Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Galileo and Newton

Galileo and Newton were scientists that had major findings and discoveries that contributed to the Scientific Revolution.

Galileo was the first to use the telescope to observe the universe like the stars and moon and sun. He also noticed that the sun has spots on it and that is is not perfect. These sun spots helped provide evidence that the Sun rotates and that the Earth could rotate as well too. He also started the theories of gravity and the acceleration of falling objects.

The discovery of gravity helped spark the discoveries and the laws of gravity that Newton later established. Here is a link that states Newton's Laws of Gravity.

The church did not appreciate Galileo's new findings. He challenged them because of these new ideas and because of that the later part of his life was spent under house arrest. This connects to the the social and political changes because the church was losing its authority because people were realizing new things that that they could do more things on their own instead of under the rule of the church. Science began to take away power from the church and helped establish more individuality in the people.

I hope this is ok... :)

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