Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blog Empire Project Reflection

Cy Ray, Californians


Our empire's methods for collecting food were very similar to those of the Inca's. The Inca's diet mostly consisted of corn, nuts, fish, vegetables and meat that they hunted for. Similarly, our empire employed a mix of hunting, gathering, and farming in order to provide sustenance for our citizens.


The Aztec system of slavery was extremely similar to our own. In both civilizations, slaves were mainly used to work on farms. Also, slavery was not hereditary. Also, in both societies slaves were allowed to buy their freedom. Furthermore, if a slave showed great work ethic or talent, they would sometimes be released. Lastly, if a slave's master died they would be set free in either society.


Like the Portuguese, our empire drew its power from the our extensive trade networks. We controlled the coastline and exported goods to Central America and China. Similarly, the Portuguese had trade networks spread throughout most of the world. Because of these successes, the economies of our two empires were able to flourish during the 16th and 17th centuries.


In India, the Mughals decided to abolish the jizya tax, granting their people the freedom of religion. In our civilization, the government practiced a loosely defined form of shamanism, however no particular faith was institutionalized or banned.

Spain: The Spanish were able to conquer Mesoamerica mostly because of their superior technology. They were able to destroy the Inca and Aztec empires with relative ease, due to their powerful artillery. In our civilization, by trading with China, Spain, England, and Russia, we were also able to create a powerful military through the use of guns and cannons. We (and the Spanish) were able to destroy the Natives, who only had spears, bows, and arrows to defend themselves with.

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