Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Comparisons between Magicia empire and other 15th century domains

The empire of Magicia relates to the studied empires in multiple ways. As we, the Sun God’s children, gained more and more knowledge of the various domains, we chose to adopt the styles and mannerisms that we liked and noticed ways that led to success. Some of the aspects of the various neighboring empires were:

Ming: According to the textbook, the Ming dynasty held “heir to a long tradition of effective governance, Confucian and Daoist philosophy, a major Buddhist presence, sophisticated artistic achievements, and a highly productive economy.” (Pg. 370, Ways of the World textbook) The listed aspects of the dynasty were ones we took note of, and chose to include some of them into the lifestyle of Magicias. Our empire strives to have a steady and significant government, causing the people of our colony to respect and trust their rulers. Our island is known as the “island of ideas,” which includes artistic developments of every kind. We plan on bringing our discoveries along with us as we travel and conquer. As for a productive economy, we aspire to hold that title as well. The ideas and schemes we propose to neighboring communities can be bargained for money, power, and land, which in turn will open many doors to discovering new ways of producing a successful economy.

Aztec: The Aztecs were known for their productive military capacity, which impressed us immensely. Through negotiation and perseverance, they were able to build their own capital city of Tenochtitlan. They took an aggressive stance for their military, and in turn were able to bring “more of Mesoamerica within a single political framework ever before.” (Page 384 Ways of the World textbook) Being able to embark on a military journey much like that of the Aztecs is one Magicia plans on doing, and are in the midst of building an unbeatable army. As for their method of payment, the Aztecs required the conquered peoples and cities to “regularly deliver to their Aztec rulers impressive quantities of textiles and clothing, military supplies, jewelry, etc.” (Page 384, Ways of the World) We do not plan on copying exactly this method of the Aztecs, but one similar to it is one we plan on executing. Due to the fact that we will be providing an enjoyable and successful lifestyle for those that we conquer, we will expect the same respect in return, both through methods of payment as well as appropriate well being.

Inca: The Inca Empire was named the Western Hemisphere’s largest imperial state. We plan on Magicia carrying the same name. Not only in population, but also in terms of power, wealth, and supremacy. The Incan government was one in which we choose to adopt and incorporate in our empire. They ran a bureaucratic empire, however allowing many accommodations for local situations. “At the top reigned the emperor, an absolute ruler regarded as divine, a descendant of the creator god Viracocha and the son of the sun god Inti.” (Page 386, Ways of the World) Due to the fact that we stand as the three children of Inti, we hold the absolute highest ranking in society. Below us rules an Emperor, governors, and various appointing and supervising citizens overseeing one of the many regions of Magicia. Holding this style of Government, we plan to be successful throughout our journey of domination.

Russia: The Russians held multiple qualities that the empire of Magicia plans on incorporating in our lifestyle, however one deliberately stood out. “Everywhere Russian authorities demanded an oath of allegiance by which native peoples swore “eternal submission to the grand tsar,” the monarch of the Russian Empire.” As mentioned earlier, as the children of Inti and acting as the ultimate leaders of our empire, we expect the devotion we deserve. We have genuine intentions in befriending the civilizations conquered by us and luring them under our rule, however with the expectations that they will respect us. We will not demand grand quantities of tribute and require absolute devotion from all, yet we do insist assuring that our people are aware of our power and take that into consideration at all times.

Ottomans: The Ottomans diligent mannerism of staying dominant is a quality us Magicians admire greatly. Standing as the creators of the Turkic warrior groups, a significantly aggressive clan of warriors, the Ottomans were successful in sweeping over the majority of the Middle East, North America, and southeastern Europe in order to “create the Islamic world’s most significant empire.” (Page 425 Ways of the World) Along with its substantial power in conquering and taking over almost all neighboring areas, the Ottomons were also known for their “Persian culture, especially its poetry, painting, and traditions of imperial splendor.” (Page 425 Ways of the World) Both qualities the Ottomons hold of successfully defeating all of their challengers as well as including cultural diversity into its lifestyle were ones we found extremely successful. We plan on creating somewhat of the same name for ourselves, in someday being known as one of the greatest elite’s of the new world, along with carrying respectable assets along the way.

Safavids: The Safavids made a daring move that Magicians respect but do not agree with. In forcibly imposing a “Shia version of Islam” (Page 380 Ways of the Worlds) on the Persian lands, they did “gain popular support and came to define the unique identity of Persian culture.” (Page 380 Ways of the World) However, we do not agree with forcing a religion. When conquering lands, we plan on being open to adopting the religion(s) of those now under our rule, along with openly introducing the religion we practice on the island of Magicia. In doing this, our people will feel as though their voice can be hard as well, allowing them to have a say in the religion(s) of the empire.

Mughals: The four empires of Ottomon, Safavid, Songhay, and Mughal “brought to the Islamic world a greater measure of political cohrence, military power, economic prosperity, and cultural brilliance.” (Page 381, Ways of the World) The Mughal empire played a crucial role in creating political unity, resulting in “a land of great wealth and imperial splendor.” (Page 381, Ways of the World) That is exactly what we intend to do as well. In staying dominant and using the knowledge we will have gained along our journey, the Magicians will lead our conquered lands in significantly better shape than before. Consistently maintaining a strong army ready to fight at any time, along with proficient work techniques and never taking a step without sustaining constant class and using the adopted ideas of varying empires, the Magicians will defeat all.


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