Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Period of Rapid Transition


I would call this period the rapid transition. The evidence that most prominently would agree with this tittle is the the history of Spain in the 1500s. All of a sudden, Spain was exporting 85% of the world's sliver out of the AMericas and taking it directly to China and the Philipeans where due to the Chinese's now single tax instead of many tax levies, it was possible to import tons, literally, of silk and other goods out of China. Due to all of this trading, the Spaniard's economy boomed but it was only an inflation because people didnt continue to stimulate it through more buisness ventures and other things besides jut silver trading. The America's also would support this tittle because all of a sudden westerners came bringing with them diseases and the idea of free labor from the Native Americans. They were killed off by the thousands and in some places only 10% of the population survived the mass take over. Due to Japan's healthy changes in population control, enviornment, and economy their economy was able to outlast the silver boom. SO this could be interpretted as not being evidence to support my title. Their transition took more time, because one of their biggest problems was population. There is no way a population can be healthily controled in less that a couple of generations. Japan did however make a tranistion for their future. 

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