Monday, September 14, 2009

Valued Items in America

I looked up what items were of much value in America but then during the time of European Exploration in America.

Silver was mined by the Incans or Aztecs because the Europeans enslaved them. Silver was then exported to China, India and the Ottoman Empire.

Gold amounts declined in the 16th century and most of the gold was found in America and was melted from Incan and Aztec jewelry.

Sugar was brought to America by Columbus on his second journey and they planted sugar plants in the land there. Then America became a place that shipped out a lot of the sugar that was being grown there.

Fur was a valued item at the time and fur traders hired the Natives to hunt the animals for them and many parts of America participated in this.

Tobacco became a habit of the Europeans because it was very popular in the Native American tribes.

Slaves were highly valuable and was one of the more popular ones. It made a very high profit but it was hard because they needed adult workers and didn't want the current workers to have kids because it would be more expensive to take care of them. So this resulted in a very low ratio of people being born to people dying.

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