Friday, September 4, 2009

Inca Vs. Aztec

As I was reading through the section, Inca Empire. I found it compared the way they ran their government and how they got started, a lot to the Aztec Empire. The Incas were mainly spread out along the Andes Mountains. It ran almost the entire length of the west coast of South America. They took their traditions after the Toltecs and Teotihuacan. Compared to the Aztec Empire, the Incas was much larger.
Both of the Empires had some similarities while building their empires. They both had their same way of becoming rich. They started out poor with not a lot of riches, but they started to locate people to become part of their military and later be a member in their empire. This way people wanted to join because their lives weren't very interesting and worthy went they were just living in huts and villages.
However, the Aztecs never forced the people they conquered to come and join the Aztec culture. They gave them the choice of wanting to or not.
In addition, the Incas were big into a more of a bureaucratic empire. The thought of having more officals and governors within the empire would be better for themselves. People who joined the Empire were split into groups hierarchically. Within each group, there would be from 10-10,000 people headed by local officials. The Aztecs were more rather far away from that idea. They had no elaborate administrative system whatsoever. Instead, they left their people alone to do what they wanted.

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