Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Napoleon, the conquerer not the pastry

Napoleon Bonaparte was a military and political leader of France in the 1800's. He was a military genius and a brilliant politician that help to shape European politics. In the first decade of the 19th Century, The French Empire under Nepoleon, engaged in a series of wars against every European power. It was only his defeat in Russia, where he lost 600,000 men, that stopped him from dominating Europe. What would the world be like now if he would have defeated the Russians. Would France be the France of today?


  1. I still think that France would have been the France of today. Even if Napoleon had defeated the Russians, he would have stood no chance against the Sixth Coalition. The Sixth Coalition consisted of Austria, Prussia, Russia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, as well as some other German states. Even if France had been very powerful, the combined force would have driven Napoleon out regardless. His exile to Elba was inevitable.

  2. Marc not necessarily, at the time France was the largest nation in Europe and had plenty of steam. The main factor in Napoleon's defeat were the conditions and if it weren't for this in Russia, he could of taken France to a whole new level in terms of power.
