Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Eiffel Tower

Bergdoll, Barry. The Eiffel Tower. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2003.

I am using The Eiffel Tower book for background information that will assist my intro paragraphs and help me get a better understanding of the topic i am doing (eiffel tower). Also there is a chapter in the book about the building process of the eiffel tower, this will help me when i relate the eiffel tower to the scientific revolution. This book is very useful in the research process of this essay.


  1. From the world fair we had a couple days ago in class, I found out that the Eiffel Tower and the Ferris wheel had a head to head "which invention has the better attraction?" Back in the 1850s, the ferris wheel won over the majority of the votes, but recentely and probably years to come the Eiffel Tower has risen above and become much more popular than the Ferris Wheel.

  2. The eiffel tower is one of the most famous structures known around the world today. It is the tallest structure in all of Paris, and is the single most paid monument in the world today. It was designed and named by Gustave Eifel. It was originally built for the 1889 World's Fair. It is Paris's most precious monument, and was used as the logo for the French bid to host the 1992 Summer Olympics.
