Monday, January 11, 2010

Sepoy Rebellion

I personally believe that the Sepoy rebellion was a nationalist effort. They took pride in their nation and wanted to overthrow the evil grasp that the British had over their gov't and their homeland. They noticed the horrible things that the British were doing to the citizens and knew they had to take action. They even went back to their old Mughal leader and asked them to lead the rebellion. During the Mughal Empire they had a lot of national pride and the Sepoy wanted to re-embrace their mug Hal heritage. 

1 comment:

  1. When I was reading about the Sepoy Rebellion I was unsure about the rebels' motivation. Was it them being tired of being bossed around? or was it them standing up for their country? I believe the American Revolution was about them being tired of being subjugated, not them rallying around some Nationalist cause.
