When we first think of samurai, we think of skillful fighters, not men who work almost like security guards for the government! But in Tokugawa Shogunate, there was one group of samurai called the ronin or also known as "masterless" samurai. They would live alone and find a small town to live in where they can teach their skills of fighting and fulfill duties to others who are interested.
Samurai used a variety of weapons such as bows and arrows, spears, guns, and most importantly the sword. Living the life of a samurai was not a simple task. They were true warriors who honored their leader in any circumstance and fought bravely. Their ethnic code is, "the way of the warrior." One example that really exemplifies the respect and discipline samurai have is the action they take when they know they are soon to be captured or killed. When a samurai realizes that his skills cannot overtake the power of the enemies around him, he commits suicide to honor is bravery and to his leader rather than getting captured and showing shame.
Hmmm, I thought that Samurai fought to the death, regardless of what happened in battle, unless they had been given the signal to retreat. They committed suicide only when they had dishonored their name. They would stick a ceremonial blade into their stomach, which would eventually kill them. Sometimes they were given mercy, and after they turned the blade around for a while, someone would cut off their head. This was a way to regain your honor after disgracing yourselves.