Sunday, January 3, 2010

MARS is creeping closer to earth in January

Mars will be easily viewable at the end of the month, the appearance of a reddish- orange planet will be seen my many of the people living on planet earth at the end of January. The last time Mars was visible was two years ago and now it is approaching very soon. Mars will be shadowing the path of the sun, rising and setting.
Good thing that Galileo discovered that the earth rotated around the sun and that the sun was the center of the universe because now scientist can discover interesting things that are happening and the rest of the earth can see. Without Galileo's discovery the world and its universe would be very out of whack and no one would be able to understand why things like being able to see Mars is possible. Also the telescope was a scientific tool used to discover the universe's unique characters and facts and how everything came about. The telescope is used in todays world very much and many people own one to view special times to see other planets that are in our universe. Thanks to Galileo and proving the universe is heliocentric!

1 comment:

  1. Kaitlin, this article is a clear example of one of the many connections between the past and the present. Of the three revolutions we discussed and researched in class, the Scientific Revolution was definitely one of the most influential movements of history that continues to benefit society today. Galileo's discovery of Earth's rotation around the sun with the sun positioned in the center of the universe is the method scientists to this day choose to believe in and place their confidence in. Not only has this discovery lead to endless advancements made regarding the solar system, but this in turn led to door upon door to be opened to scientific advancements. All of this is thanks to Galileo's discovery during the time of the Scientific Revolution. As I stated earlier, the facts stated in this online article would not stand true if it wasn't for Galileo's discovery, which backs up all evidence stated.
    Kaitlin, great choice in articles. This portrays what we have been learnign to master for the last semester- learning and comprehending revolutions of the past, and making connections between them and present day experiences. Great job!
