Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Mughal Empire

As I was reading, I came upon a passage I found interesting it was about how the Mughal emperors were able to keep the great number of Hindu in line. How was it that the Mughal Empire was able to do this? And if they were able to keep stability between the Hindu and Muslims how is it this empire went into a decline?

I came upon a site that gave me my answers. The article in BBC "Aurangzeb" said that the empire came down because of Emperor Aurangzeb. Before his time there was a tolerance policy which allowed Muslims and Hindus to live at peace with one and other. Also there was no taxes to non-Muslims. Then when Aurangzeb came into power he brought the empire to its highest but it also fell profoundly afterwards. Aurangzeb broke the tolerance policy and tore down Hindu shrines he also started taxing the Hindu subjects. During his time his military power was at its highest but he had conquered to much land causing unstability. Also because of the conflict between the Hindu he gained more enemies. Even though the Emperor Aurangzeb brought the Mughal Empire to its highest and largest, after his reign the Mughal went into a down fall.

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