Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Age of Expansion

I would call the 1500s-1600s the Age of Expansion. Expansion meaning, not only borders but knowledge about the world and people. For example, the Portugese expanded their borders along the coasts of Africa and some parts of Saudi Arabia. Instead of doing the usual thing, controling the people, the Portugese started a sort of mailing service. In Europe their was the Renaissance, the time of new thoughts and ideas. Also the Spaniards sailed all the way across the ocean and discovered America they took over the Indians. Sailing across the ocean was a big feat on it's own, this then gave people the idea of instead of travelling on foot on the Silk road and other roads, they started sailing the oceans. Everywhere in the world there was empires growing in size, power, and knowledge about the world. The world was a mystery but than their knowledge grew and it allowed them to improve in their lifestyle and ways.

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