The definition of a Eunuch from is...
a castrated man, esp. one formerly employed by Oriental rulers as a harem guard or palace official. |
A site I found said that they were men who were working in the palace to guard the women's quarters. The women were who the emperor slept with and were his wives. So they were there to protect them and make sure nothing happened to them. The job was a very popular one and there were always many men waiting for an opening so they could take the spot. Many of these servants or Eunuchs had slowly decreased in number and reached extinction by the time Sun Yaoting died. They still exist in India but they cease to exist in China.
Eunuchs in Pakistan are also known as transsexuals. They are shunned in society and in this article, this person talks about what is like for them to be one and to have to figure out if they are a girl or a boy. She is pretty sure that she feels more like a girl than a boy but she hates her life and she left her family early on to keep the shame away from them that came from her. She said that she would commit suicide but it is not legal where she lives so that is not an option. This made me think about how people like this may feel and how hard it must be and the judgement and criticism they must receive despite that fact that they can't help it.
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