Monday, March 8, 2010

extra credit

I think we can all agree that the current government in the U.S. is far from perfect. However, Im sure as to what the perfect system would be. There should be a balance between freedoms and control by the government. I partially agree with Cy. The idea of taxes makes sense, however, it does not seem to work for the majority of the population. This becomes especially difficult as the government begins to raise them. This is why it makes more sense to have people pay directly for services provided by the government. Instead of the government charging a certain percent on income to cover all of the the amenities provided by them, it makes more sense to pay for each thing individually and how often you use it. This keeps the government from taking your money and using it for many things we do not know about. It makes more sense to know where your money is going instead of not seeing where it goes or not seeing it used for things you use.


  1. Rehan, the thing is that the government doesn't provide anything to us without using private contractors and our taxes. Without taxes, the government would lose all their power and cease to exist. They don't have any other source of income. Also, why should the government control our means of production? Why can't we privatize that?

  2. My point is. Since the government pays and provides us with many necessities (even though we pay through taxes), do you think that if we didn't pay taxes and instead paid for these amenities, it would cost less then paying taxes?

  3. Well, I don't think the government really strives towards saving people money, and trying to efficiently and effectively use tax revenue. Regardless of that though, I do believe that the free market generally is better at getting things done in a cost-effective manner. That's why a free market would be more efficient and would grow faster than one controlled by a state
