Monday, March 8, 2010

extra credit blog post

I would like to respectfully disagree with the theory of anarchy. Although in theory, anarchy would respect people's privacy and freedoms with our world today as it is, taking away all types of formal government would cause utter chaos. Maybe originally it was cruel land owners who started the feudal system, what some consider the basis for the capitalist system today, however using that as a basis for taking away formal government now is incorrect. We are not the governments slaves, we work and live our lives primarily in accordance to our own wishes and not those of the government. People rely on the government to "think" for them. They pay money into a general pool that is them given out to pay for a multitude of things including protection (army, firefighters, and police), charity and organization. Having millions of people organize themselves is basically impossible, but our system of government has found a way to do it. IN the 20th century there were multible attempts at changing the capitalist system by implementing a new system of government. In Russia and China the governments became communist which seemed like a good idea in theory (like anarchy) but was in fact turned out terribly. As seen in the middle ages, when there is a power vacuum people cant just live their own seperate lives (as anarchy would suggest) usually some group of people take power by force and the world falls back into the system of feudilism.

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