Tuesday, March 23, 2010
WWII, Change
The History of the Atomic Bomb
The Evolution of War
WWII Changing War
World War II's change on the definition of war
WWII Definition
Notes from class
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Causes of World War II
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A Cause of WWII
Causes for WWII
Main Causes of WWII
Causes of WWII
Strayer 645-649
"Long Term Causes of World War II" <>
Major Cause of WWII
Causes of WWII
Monday, March 15, 2010
How Our State Should Change: Problems with the Current State of Our Union: Taxation and Education
Education in many forms is necessary in order to compete for wealth creation opportunities. Unfortunately, when one becomes wealthy it is natural to become headstrong, conservative, protective, and over confident about how they created personal wealth.
Cause of WWII
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Japan: Totalitarian?
Japanese Government
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Was Japan Totalitarian
Extra Credit Blog
Japan...Totalitarian? hmmmmm.
Being totalitarian can be described as the form of government that does not tolerate different ideas or opinions and has dictatorial control over their people. During this time, Japan had Hirohito as their emperor. This alone point to the fact that their was a single ruler who had control over the people. Although the government had police with strict laws and penalties, it was not a complete secret. At this point in time, Japan was very focussed around their military. As their government began to lose to power, the military stayed strong because of the use of propaganda and because of their success. They were able to take control over Korea which gave the people of Japan a sense of strength and stability. Despite treaties and other agreements with nations such as the U.S. (which did not want Japan to grow their army), Japan chose to spend the time and money to grow their army and navy to a point where they were the 3rd largest navy in the world.
I think that Japan could be described as totalitarian. They had an emperor with complete control and a military with even more control. They captured the trust of their people with their ability to win battles and conquer nations.
Was Japan Totalitarian
Was Japan Totalitarian?
Was Japan Totalitarian?
Is Japan Totalitarian?
Is Japan Totalitarian?
Citation: http://fresno.k12.ca.us/divdept/sscience/history/totalitarianism.htm
Extra Credit Blog
Class Discussion Blog
Was Japan Totalitarian?

Dictionary.com meaning of Totalitarian:
to·tal·i·tar·i·an [toh-tal-i-tair-ee-uhn]
1. of or pertaining to a centralized government that does not tolerate parties of differing opinion and that exercises dictatorial control over many aspects of life.
2. exercising control over the freedom, will, or thought of others; authoritarian; autocratic.
3. an adherent of totalitarianism.
Japan arrested critics, they imposed censorship, and they employed a secret police to find and punish "enemies of the state" basically everything listed in the first definition of totalitarian, so I believe that Japan was totalitarian.
Monday, March 8, 2010
extra credit
extra credit blog post
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Soviet Union + Japan
America vs. Germany
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Outcomes of Italy and France in World War I.
Italy and Germany
The Great Depression in Italy was seen as a small loss, but did not harm the well being of Italy's economy. Italy lost its international trade networks, but was able to maintain their jobs and stabilize the workflow.
Germany: During the war Germany was a strong warring power, but were not strong enough to fight the Entente's final push aided by the Americans. Germany did in fact though develop strong military weaponry that influenced many other great powers at the time. But in the end they were forced to weaken their military forces and give up parts of their land. In terms of the great depression, Germany was hit as hard as any other country during its time. Germany lacked the strong economical foothold, and lost much, just as the other countries did.
Italy: http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~quadrini/papers/deprpap.pdf
Germany: In Class information
Germany and America: Outcomes of WWI and the Depression
A the end of the war, they lost a lot. They lost 10% of their land, their military was cut down, and they had to pay reparations for all the winners of the war on top of their own. Germany however could not pay for the reparations and got loans from the US. Germany unlike most of the world however did not suffer much from the Depression. This was because of Hitler who did a great job with controlled wages and prices, government investment, and peace between the capital and laborers.
In America with the end of the war came a new social and cultural change. Women gained the right to vote and also middle class women became known as flappers. Flappers would go to nightclubs, smoke, had short hair, drink heavily, and wear more revealing clothing. They were the beginning to a new era. The war in a way broke America from their old traditional ways. However the Depression caused a great turmoil. When the stock market crashed it was chaotic banks closed down, many people lost their jobs. And because of this any farmer or producer lost a lot too because the prices were too high because everyone seemed to have lost their money due to the banks shutting down. This also caused a lot of farmers produce to go to waste. The President Franklin Roosevelt however tried to end this calamity with a plan called the New Deal.
All my information came from two source:
Notes from class
comparing America to Germany
Soviet Union and Japan
The Soviet Union was not established during WWI but from the events that occur ed to Russia during WWI. They were one of the three main countries who joined the war along with Britain and France. After only a year and half, Russia had hit an all time low. They lost millions of soldiers and civilians and were lacking both food and weapons that were needed to survive WWI. They then dropped out of the war because it was taking too much of a toll on the country. There was then the Russian Revolution where the Czar was overthrown. Then during the 1920s, there was the rise of the Communist Party that would soon establish the Soviet Union. Because of the transformation that Lenin was installing on the Soviet's economy, there was little effect on the Soviets. They had removed themselves from the world trading system, so when everyone else went down, the lack of trading connections for the Russians payed off. People from around the world actually moved to Russia in hope of a better life.
The Japanese did not have much effect on World War 1 thought they did do something. They were on the sides of the Allies and often received orders from the British to take out German ships around Southeast Asia. They also attacked German territories in China. They then presented the 21 Demands which would give Japan ownership of part of China. Japan was also one of the countries not affected by Great Depression. The Finance Minister of Japan used very effective techniques to minimize the damage. However during and after the Great Depression, Japan developed very imperial ambitions wanting to be established as a world power which lead to the invasions of China, Mongolia, and the USSR which would lead to Japan joining the Axis of Power.
WWI Experiences of Italy and America
Italy had only become a unified state in 1870, and hadn't developed its own culture yet. WWI brought social disruptions when the resentful veterans and patriots who weren't happy with the amount of territory they had received because of the Treaty of Versailles. By switching sides partway through the war they screwed themselves.
During the depression, many things threatened the Italian social order because of many strikes. The answer to this was Benito Mussolini. He took the jobless veterans and promised to change the order of rule away from communism and democratic rule. He focused on building state power. Democracy was ended and people who put up a resistance were deported. Although Mussolini was an atheist, he embraced the Catholic Church. All of this was the beginning to a new Italy.
United States
As a result of WWI the United States was the center of global power. It had contributed to the defeat of Germany, and its financial resources had evolved the United States into Europe's creditor. President Wilson's 14 Points inspired a new type of international life. However, this failed. Germany had been punished too severely in his opinion, and the United States refused to join the League of Nations that HE had suggested.
The depression brought many social and cultural changes to the Americans. On the day the stock market crashed, eleven Wall Street financiers committed suicide. Banks were shut down, and many people lost all of their money. Worst of all was the loss of work. Unemployment was everywhere, and it reached 30% by 1932. Empty businesses began to symbolize the severity of the depression.
All of this info comes from Robert W. Strayer's Ways of the World
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
WWI Nations: Germany and America
Italy vs All Other Nations
Citation: http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/italy_and_world_war_one.htm