Monday, April 26, 2010

"Muslim says mistresses are the French way of life"

This article is a case regarding a Muslim man's mistress charged a payment for driving a car with a veil because it blocks her sight. Following this, a discovery was made that the husband actually had four wives that were not under French law, but only done ritualistically. The head of the Muslim group in France, Mohammed Moussaoiu, had a meeting with the French officials to talk about the crisis. He mentioned how emphasis of the veil was not being given compared to other issues.
After reading this article, it made me think about the respect that should be given to all races of people around the world. The veil, in Islam, is very important to some women, but not all. The lady should not be charged of wearing a veil, because that is disrespect to the religion. Just like others, this women should be free to live a lifestyle she wants to. The government does not have the right to do that, unless she was actually crossing the speed limit during driving. We are all the same people, its just the factor of religion that draws a border among us.;_ylt=AqApG9ayOY0FRjhFr2_DhYNvaA8F;_ylu=X3oDMTMyNnY0NTlzBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNDI2L2V1X2ZyYW5jZV9mb3JiaWRkaW5nX3RoZV92ZWlsBHBvcwMxBHNlYwN5bl9hcnRpY2xlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDbXVzbGltc2F5c21p


  1. This is just racial and religious profiling. It's disgusting that you can charge someone of a crime for acting as their religion wishes.

  2. lets just face the facts. religion is stupid, theres no evidence to support these people's beliefs. even though I pretty much hate superstition in all forms, the woman should be allowed to wear her veil if she chooses. Sarkozy is an idiot for trying to ban veils within France, and these religious people should be allowed to practice their silly beliefs as long as they aren't doing anything morally wrong or harmful to society. Wearing a veil is not morally wrong.

  3. i totally agree Cy. the strange thing about religion is that we are all people, but a transparent yet opaque border divides us with different beliefs. So many issues would be resolved if there were no religion. Wars between the countries in our world would also decrease, because so many of them have some aspect of religion. The daily working class would also be very independant without religion, because many people limit their decisions based on what religion they follow.
