Sir Thomas Johnstone (!850-1931) Lipton was a British merchant who started as a small tea seller, and led the great Lipton Tea to a worldwide advancement and enjoyment. Thomas spent some years in the United States and returned to his hometown Glasgow and owned his own small grocery store. He was so dedicated even in his small business that he became a millionaire at the age of thirty. Thomas began thinking about how the public can easily enjoy all the foods in his store, but the tea's were very expensive and not everyone could afford them. His concern led him to make a very tasty tea called Lipton Tea which became popular throughout and is still complimented by people today.
You raise an interesting point of how the price of tea was so high in the 1800s while today you can get a full tea box to close to nothing. This probably is due to the increase in the ease of internation trade. When designing LIpton, did Johnstone make it inexpensive compared to the the average tea of his day? I also am wondering if you could elaborate on how he was a millionaire with his grocery store, did he expand his store to many different locations?