The Great Exhibition of 1851 took place in the beautiful Crystal Palace, which located at the time, was in the heart of London. People from all over the world came to either show off their invention or come to look at all the prized possessions. The Crystal Palace held more than 12,800 square feet for all of the famous inventors to show off their masterpiece. In addition, the Crystal Palace was later used for numerous more events than just the first world fair ever to be done.
Citation of picture- http://www.ursusbooks.com/thumbnail.php?img=./itemimages/123543a.jpg&maxwidth=700
Wow this seems like it was an unbelievable spectacle of the time. Was this the first Great Exhibition of the time though? And was the Crystal Palace actually made out of crystal and if not why was it called the crystal palace? Im also wondering what the main items were that were on display? I know around the time there were many things that were built (like the Chicago Ferris Wheel) that were HUGE. Were they alot of the defying gravity inventions and creations?
ReplyDeleteThe Crystal Palace actually wasn't made out of crystal, but out of glass. I researched the architect in charge, Sir Henry Buckland, who named the palace after his daughter Chrystal. The irony of this name was that when Sir Henry Buckland and his daughter were walking their dog, they were one of the first to notice that the Crystal Palace had caught fire. As if when Chrystal gets to see the Crystal Palace, it is burning to the ground.
ReplyDeletethis is a big deal for the worlds fair, 12,800 square feet is HUGE. DOing this for a worlds fair seems a little outrageous but its awesome that places all over the world built extravagant buildings like the crystal palace.
ReplyDeleteYes, Austin youre right. It was made out of glass. However, I researched and found that the architect was named Joseph Paxton? It would make sense that Sir Henry Buckland was the architect because of his daughter's name, but I'm not sure why we have different people. I will have to go and check about that. And yes, Kaitlin the world's fair was just like the Olympics. People from all over the world come and see the Olympics, so the people hosting the event try and make their building as extravagant as possible. That is why the Crystal Palace was so big, because it was made for the first world fair.
ReplyDeleteOkay so I found who Sir Henry Buckland was. He was the SECOND designer of the Crystal Palace. The Palace was relocated shortly after the Great Exhibition because they wanted to mount it on the highest hill in London. So when they were deciding where to build, they hired Sir Henry Buckland to get the job done. Also, the new Crystal Palace was on top of Sydenham Hill overlooking the city of London.