Monday, October 5, 2009


Hobbes was a philosopher who believed all humans were naturally selfish. Because of this he believed people could not be trusted to have freedom since it will lead them to greed and power hunger. Also because of that he believed that we humans needed an authoritative figure to govern. Because the king had absolute power they could abuse their power since humans were naturally selfish. So he thought that there should be a group of people, representatives, who would speak as mediators between king and their people but they would only give their opinions. Hobbes doesn't mention anything about God besides the fact that he believes that the King is not chosen by God. So the king in no way is divine. Hobbes like most philosophers had no opinions about God during the Enlightenment period. One reason might be that since they had lived so long to not having proof, they probably felt they needed to prove something before believing it. Hobbes was one of many philosophers to have new ideas.

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